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Dog Injury Prevention: Tips and Strategies to Keep Your Dog Safe and Sound!

Dog Injury Prevention: Tips and Strategies to Keep Your Dog Safe and Sound!

Our beloved canine companions bring endless joy and unconditional love into our lives. But as dog owners, we also have a responsibility to ensure ...
A blind golden retriever

Nurturing A Happy Life For Your Blind Dog

It takes a special person to care for a blind dog. If you find yourself in this situation - whether by choice or unexpectedly - know that you ha...
Should You Adopt a Senior Dog?

Should You Adopt a Senior Dog?

Are you looking to adopt a dog? Have you thought about seeking out a senior dog who needs a home? For some, adopting a senior dog becomes a very f...
Navigating Canine Arthritis

Navigating Canine Arthritis

What is Canine Arthritis? Essentially, arthritis means “inflammation of the joints”. It is a very common ailment that dogs can encounter througho...
Gearing Up for Adventure

Gearing Up for Adventure

As you plan your adventure, check out these items that make it easier to bring your dog along with you on your next trip. Are you flying again? Th...
The Ultimate Dog Stroller Guide: What type does my dog need?

The Ultimate Dog Stroller Guide: What type does my dog need?

The first step in the process is to pinpoint your (and your dog’s) specific requirements for a stroller. You can decide that by reading the descri...
Canines and the Coronavirus

Canines and the Coronavirus

The year 2020 will always be marked as the year the world was changed by a single virus. The current outbreak was first found in 2019 in Wuhan, Chi...
Stick to These Four Habits  for your Aging Dog

Stick to These Four Habits for your Aging Dog

As dogs age, owners can be left feeling helpless and stuck with the problems their dog is experiencing. And while sometimes there’s no way to make ...
Super Easy DIY Sweet Potato Dog Treats

Super Easy DIY Sweet Potato Dog Treats

Sweet potatoes are one of the sweetest vegetables so it’s a good one to get your dog to eat while adding nutrients to his or her diet! The rise in ...
Traveling Safe with your Dog – Made Easy

Traveling Safe with your Dog – Made Easy

With summer comes more activities and more traveling. Thankfully!! We all look forward to this time of year when we can hopefully lighten our sched...
Seven of the Scariest Ingredients in Dog Food

Seven of the Scariest Ingredients in Dog Food

Our last blog post, Finding a Safe Dog Food: Where to start? went over some of the basics regarding label reading and a helpful website where you ...
Finding a Safe Dog Food: Where to Start?

Finding a Safe Dog Food: Where to Start?

With the rise in awareness of the harmful ingredients often hidden in human food, the dangers in dog food ingredients are starting to get some atte...